
Current Projects

Software Heritage

We collect and preserve software in source code form, because software embodies our technical and scientific knowledge and humanity cannot afford the risk of losing it. Software is a precious part of our cultural heritage. We curate and make accessible all the software we collect, because only by sharing it we can guarantee its preservation in the very long term.

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Previous Projects

SECO-ASSIST 2018-2021

Software ecosystems are the most promising avenue for organising the software needs of the digital era. Jointly funded by F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO-Vlaanderen, the four-year Excellence of Science Project SECO-ASSIST aims to realise a scientific breakthrough to nurture the ecosystems of the future, by providing novel software recommendation techniques that address the resilience, evolvability, heterogeneity, and social interaction. To achieve this the project partners will combine their expertise in social networks (UMONS), software testing (UAntwerpen), software reuse (VUB) and database evolution (UNamur).

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